All posts by mothererased

God, Are You My Mother?

If I were to look at my life through an old fashioned movie reel, there’d be two frames that’d stand out above all the rest, and in stark contrast to each other. The first frame would show the worst thing that ever happened to me: being torn from my mother at the age of four. The other frame would be the bestthing: the day I met God.

I’ve written about the worst thing many times. My mother loss is the soul wound that I’ve tried to patch up, wanting to be whole with all my might. Page after page, I’ve been trying to piece myself back together. It is a labor of love, using whatever love I can muster up for myself. That I was taken from my mother, that is painful for people to read. But bad things happen and people believe it. It is true. My mother loved me. I loved her. She was good and I was told to believe she was bad. She was alive and I was expected to pretend she was dead.  It has been scary to tell my truth, but how could I not tell it?

But the good thing, the best day, the day that I became whole, well that has taken me over fifteen years to even contemplate writing about.  I recall that day with  just as much clarity as the worst day; so much clarity in fact that it is almost blinding to my senses when I recall it, even now.

Why didn’t I write about it sooner? For one thing, what if the telling makes it less real? What if I am giving something away that was meant only for me? But also, there is only so much I can expect people to believe.  It might sound unbelievable to some, especially those who don’t believe in miracles.

Which brings me back to God and the day I met Him. Or Her. Or perhaps more accurately, All That Is.  Creator.  Higher Self or Inner Being.   I am not a particularly religious person in the traditional sense. I don’t go to church. I’ve never read the bible. But when you think you’ve been broken, eventually you turn to God to fix you. I prayed, I meditated,  I did God my own way, which was privately, quietly, and with my whole heart.

Then one day God showed up like a Mother. I mean he showed up in a Very Big Way. I had gone to bed the night before distraught over something, the details of which are not important, but that had everything to do realizing I was not  yet whole. I felt desperate to be whole. Desperate. I could not undo the past. I could not fix myself. I had all the material things I needed, and I had true love in my life.  I also had my writing, my passions. But I still had that gaping hole where my wound was and that night I really felt it. That night, I lost hope that I could fix myself, so I turned it over to God. I turned my un-whole self over.  I recall that I  surrendered, completely and intentionally; I am talking Jesus take the wheel surrender. And then I fell asleep.

The next morning, well, how can I tell you about this? How do I frame it?  I was new.  Real.  Whole. And so very alive.  I remember it all so clearly, so I will tell it clearly too. There were five feelings, or knowings, – there were five things that I awoke to find myself being – without even trying. There were just these five ways of being that took me over. Nothing at all was new on the outside, but I was suddenly different on the inside.

Presence  I was completely in the moment. My mind was not on the past or the future. I remember the phone ringing and not wanting to answer it, because I absolutely did not want to be pulled out of the present moment. I was totally, completely, there, mind, body and spirit. Instead of overthinking, worrying, and analyzing, I was simply being. I spent much less time in my head, and more time in in my body where my heart dwelled, where my feelings could flow through me. Instead of thinking, thinking, thinking, I was living. Life was now.

Joy  I was completely satisfied with the moment. Whether I was doing a jigsaw puzzle with my children, or taking a walk alone, it was joyful. I had no craving, no desire for something different. I was enjoying life in the purest sense of the word.

Love  I was filled with love for myself and others. I was overflowing with love. I was love.

Self-Care  I recognized and met my own needs, moment by moment, simply, and directly. When I was hungry I ate. When I was full, I stopped.  When I was tired, I laid down.  I exercised moderately and without fanfare or much planning. I just did it.  And I accepted my body completely, knowing I was giving it whatever it needed, without obsessing or even thinking about it, really.

Belief  I knew that anything was possible. I had met God. God was within me.  My self-imposed limits vanished. I knew that the more I “let go”, and allowed myself to be guided into right action, the better chance of achieving whatever I wanted.
And that is it. That is all of what I felt, and all of what I became that day that I met God. I was living, not in my head, but in my Whole Self . I was whole and it felt amazing. But before I lead you astray, I must confess something.

This did not last.

IT lasted a few days, or a week at most. And they were the most glorious days. But slowly, my doubt came back. My distracted mind returned. I judged people again, including myself,  and I neglected my own care, or expected others to meet the needs that were mine to meet. Bit by bit, I gave my power away without meaning to. My ego woke back up.  I got busy and overwhelmed. I didn’t pay attention. I didn’t check in with my Self. I started to lose my way again.


But  the really good news is that I know what to strive for nowTo be more present, to find joy in my life every single day, to love and care for myself and to find the best in others. To believe that all of this is possible. Every. Single. Day. 

My dreams are possible.

So are yours.


I aim to feel this way every day now and I fall short, every single time, but sometimes I get close. And God always meets me in the middle.


Perhaps I was meant to tell you about the day I met God.

Maybe the story was never mine to keep.

It does not feel less real, now that I’ve given it away, now that I’ve told you about this.

It feels more real.

And I feel more real.

I am whole, just like you. I was all along. I’d just forgotten.20170428_120611

Podcast: The Heart of an Alienated Child

I invite you to listen to my new podcast in which I answer questions received from alienated parents:  Podcast

The above link will take you to my site where you will be able to find future episodes as well, as they become available.  Please feel free to follow or to check back often!

Thank you for visiting and for being part of the solution to “parental alienation”.


To the fathers who have been alienated

I imagine that Father’s Day is an excruciating day for alienated fathers, just as Mother’s Day is for alienated moms. Today, my heart is with you, all of you fathers who cannot be with your beloved children.

I have seen your pain. I saw you in Boston and New York and on the pages of your blogs and in the messages you put out for your children, hoping that they will read them. I saw the tears in your eyes and felt the love in your heart.

You only want the chance to love them.  How could anyone believe you are unworthy of this? It makes no sense. I know you are treated as the disease, the outcast, the dangerous one. And I know that is a lie- the most destructive lie that can be told to a child.

This pathogen is the disease, the virus, the destructive force.  Your child has been conditioned to confuse the two. Your child treats you as the disease to be avoided, the “bad parent”, the dangerous entity . And many of those around your child, influenced by the alienator, has  fallen into that trap as well (more on this in my upcoming podcast).

But love is on your side, and you are not alone. So many of us understand your heart.  We hear you. We see you. And we are moving forward with you.

I understand all too well the vicious pathogen that has taken your children from you. Your children are victims too, believe me.

Keep loving them from afar. On some unconscious level, they will feel this. And someday, they may come back to you.  The truth is a powerful thing. Don’t ever give up.

Awareness and education about the pathogen of “parental alienation’ is spreading far and wide.  There is more hope than ever before for aliented children and their parents to be reunited!

Statistically speaking, as an adult alienated child, I should be a drug addict, or alienated from my own children, or a depressed alcoholic, or at the very least have gone through a traumatic divorce of my own. But none of those scenarios are true for me. Any of them could have been and I can look back on my teen years and young adulthood and recognize those pivotal moments when I could have jumped off a cliff, metaphorically speaking, but something saved me.  What if there was a reason I was given the strength to begin to heal and remember, and know the truth? What if I knew the truth all along, and that is what saved me?

I am one of the lucky ones and that is not lost on me. I refuse to waste this.  I know exactly how parental alienation happened to me and happens every day all over  the world, and I have no good reason whatsoever to stay silent.  I have every good reason to speak up.

So Happy Father’s Day to the father’s who simply want to love their own children and are not able to share that love freely.  Many of us see you and we are on your side!  Together, we can move mountains. Stay strong. Be healthy. We have work to do.







Podcast on behalf of alienated children

I am going to start making podcasts as a way to educate people on “parental alienation” from the perspective of the alienated child. This is something I’ve been thinking about doing for quite a while now, and recently I’ve had both an alienated dad and an alienated mom ask me to go forward with it.  They have found that many people, even those who want to be supportive of them, do not quite understand the dynamics of this psychological warfare.  This often leads to these same people unknowingly supporting the aligned parent, or at best, standing by as the child’s mind is held hostage.

So I will start with a one that can be shared with friends, neighbors, relatives, and the wider circle of society. It may also be useful for therapists who are seeing children in this situation, but the goal of my initial podcast will simply be to produce something that can be shared with anyone.  Education and awareness are key.  Ignorance is dangerous. The more information we all have, the better.

Subsequent podcasts may be directed toward the targeted parent, the alienated child (I will have to get clever with a title for that one!) and if I am feeling really optimistic, the aligned parent.

If a child is kidnapped, a search goes out for them. But in the case of “parental alienation”, the child is kidnapped, both in mind and body, and no one seems to be rescuing them. I’ve been there, and this is not okay.  Target parents just want their children back. Children want their authentic selves back, the self that loves their other parent, the self that they have no choice but to suppress until they are helped. We have to save the children.

I am going to make it very clear what the child is going through. I have not forgotten what it is to be there.  The scars remain. The memory is crystal clear.  At times, though rare now, the feelings are just beneath the surface, decades later; the fear, the anxiety, the grief, the powerlessness.  The only way I know how to save the children who are experiencing this today, is to write and speak about my own experiences.




Erasing Family Documentary Events in Boston and New York

I am looking forward to attending and speaking at both the Boston and NYC Erasing Family documentary fundraising events in June.  I feel grateful to be part of the growing awareness of parental alienation. This awareness is critical in saving the children from the abuse of parental alienation.

If it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to save a child. I believe that village is growing.

Parental Alienation Event

Parental Alienation – Rod McCall author presentation – Friday April 21st – Doors open 5:30 PM – 9:00PM

Grace Episcopal Church, 76 Eldredge St. Newton .02458

We are less than a week away from learning from Rod about his tragic story and then education, inspiration, and a panel discussion with empowering methods to reduce parental alienation.

40 people have registered already, including Doctors, therapists, lawyers, mediators, GALs, parents, and more.


  • 5:30 Pizza and refreshments
  • 6:30 Rod’s presentation followed by discussion and Q&A
  • (late arrivers always welcome)
  • 7:40 10-minute break
  • 7:50 Panel Discussion and Q&A with:
  •       Rod McCall, PA parent, author, speaker
  •       Dana, a writer who was alienated from her mother at age 4
  •       Joan Kloth-Zanard,  PA expert, therapist
  •       Heather A. O’Connor, a MA Attorney with PA custody trial experience
  •       To Be Announced, a Parental Alienation expert
  • 8:45 Methods to grow PA awareness
  • 9:00 Program concludes

FREE admission but Eventbrite Registration required (Privacy respected) – Donations at the door encouraged to cover costs and PA awareness.       Sponsored by 2 Non-profit Charity 501(c)(3), PAS Intervention,  AND the National Parents Organization (NPO)  “Preserving the Bond Between Parents and Children”

FYI – A “once-in-a-generation” 2-day event in Boston:  International Conference on Shared Parenting (ICSP) 2017, under the theme; “Shared Parenting Research: A Watershed in Understanding Children’s Best Interest?”  48+ sessions organized by the National Parents Organization and the International Council on Shared Parenting.  Starting on Memorial Day May 29 – 30, 2017 at the Westin Copley Place Hotel,  Boston, MA  See the website for

Immediately following the ICSP conference on Tuesdy evening, May 30th, Brian will be hosting an event in Boston (at a Boylston Street location) that will include fund raising for the completion and distribution of the follow-up documentary, “Erasing Family”.

We also host monthly Parental Alienation Parent Support Group Sessions at a variety of Boston area locations. For information and an invitation, please email Brian at






Suggestions for alienated parents

I recently spoke at a support group for alienated parents, PAS Intervention. It was heartwarming and heart-wrenching at the same time, to meet so many wonderful parents. If their children could be freed from the alienating spell they are under, I am certain they would want to run back to these loving parents.

I was given a list of questions to address and here are my notes.  They are based on my own experiences. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

What goes through a child’s mind?

*It is not a conscious choice to reject a parent; it feels like an automatic survival mechanism

*Repression of true feelings (love for the targeted parent) and therefore repression of authentic Self.

*An entire new persona can be built around this inauthentic self, especially in the case of the very brainwashed child. (In my case, I “held onto” my own mind but felt anxious/numb/powerless)

What can a parent say or do to help a child who is a minor?

*Get help/find a trusted, PA- educated professional & If possible, do not allow them to skip visits.

*Let them know you sympathize with their position & will always love them.

*Opportunities to interact w/out telling the alienating parent

What can a parent say to a young adult child?

*Let them know you sympathize with their position

*Opportunities to interact w/out telling the alienating parent

*Encourage them to think for themselves; contradict the alienator through your actions.

*Give them fact based information

*Tell them you love them and will not choose to “go away”.

Anything that might help a parent to find ways back into their child’s life:

*Maintain contact in “nonthreatening ways”

*Encourage trusted acquaintances keep contact with your child if possible-people who would speak highly of you.

*Take care of yourself: show confidence and health and stability and love and self-respect. The alienator is coming across as “all knowing/all confident/all powerful” to the child. You must top that with authentic power.

Anything that might help a parent stay in their child’s life:

DO stay in touch however possible but try not to overwhelm them w/ steps that are bigger than what they are capable of handling at this time. They would need an absolute guarantee of protection from the alienator and/or enough time completely away from him/her in order to ‘deprogram’. Until then, it does not feel safe to reconnect with you. This is true whether they are five years old or twenty years old.


Question for alienated parents

Here is my question for alienated parents:  If your adult child were to reach out to reconnect with you, how would you feel if they maintained a relationship with the alienating parent? Would that taint your reconnection? Make you fearful, uncomfortable, distrusting of the intentions of your child?

I have a friend who was in an abusive relationship in her twenties. She told me that even now, decades later, she would be emotionally triggered by seeing that ex.  She also said that she would want to avoid relationships with anyone who had any connection to him. I asked her, what if that person who maintained contact with your ex was your own child?  She seemed to think that would still be a problem, perhaps a big obstacle. She does not have any children so she was speaking purely hypothetically. But still, it was interesting to get her perspective.

My alienated mother’s family has welcomed me lovingly. But I cannot help but wonder if they have to consciously fight the urge to view me as ‘the one from enemy territory’. I especially wonder if this may be the case for my mother. After all, the person who hurt her beyond repair is still in my life. Even when I realized with clarity what role my father played in the alienation, I did not push him out of my life. At times I have wanted to, but ultimately I believe in forgiveness.

I am interested in the thoughts of alienated parents on this matter.


*Please visit me at